added Mini Players Panel HP Bars (by Hawg) updated Display the indicator for 12 secs added In battle statistics by RaJCeL: Efficiency counters added Hangar Booster Viewer (by Polyacov_Yury) added Gun Constraints: Aiming Angles (by Polyacov_Yury) added Damage Percent Indicator (by Polyacov_Yury) updated portuguese translation of the installer updated izeberg.modsettingsapi_1.5.0 (used in many mods) added Players Panel HP Bars: mini bottom/mini middle/transparency 30/50/60% updated czech translation of the installer by Rejnok1 updated crosshairs: Zayaz, Taipan, Oreshkin Blue, Oreshkin Green, Ruler note: Aiming Angles cannot be installed with XVM until the compatibility is guaranteed (if you select both mods, then Aiming Angles will be automaticaly unchecked and not installed) updated spanish and czech translation of the installer fixed installation of spg sight: J1mbo v3 updated gun and engine sounds Echoes of War added Damage Panels: KobkaG, Zayas, Rabbit, Mini added XVM option: Show bot marker on Players Panel added crosshair aim circles: 2DZoom, Giacint, Strike updated tech-tree and carousel icons: Ghostman101278 updated Tanks Top Speed over damage panel updated crosshairs: 2DZoom, Giacint, Strike, Fatality, Marsoff, Strv, WG-A, Sniper, ZCH, Devastator compatibility with WoT micropatch from 21.10 updated modsCore used in all OldSkool mods updated installer's translation: CZ/PT/ES added crosshair aim circles: Default w/more visible Arty circle, Predator, Staple updated Damage Log GambitER - config by PapaDigi updated crosshairs: Assasin, Terminator, Predator, Mjolnir, Taipan3, Minimalistic Blue, Kellerman Blue added crosshairs: Kellerman Green, Hyperon updated Large numbers on the ammo icons updated Tank Health Bars by Polyacov_Yury updated Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun and Engine Sounds (Zorgane) updated all contour icons maintained by me updated the anti-mirror for non-contour icons updated Consumable, Shell & Equipment Informer by Hawg

updated Selected Tank Carousel LED Highlighter updated Requesting Fire Marker on the minimap updated crosshairs: Circle, Eagle, Pulse, RoughNecks updated Change client language: PL/RU/UA updated Minimap Spam Protector by Champi