Diablo 2 install 26 cd key
Diablo 2 install 26 cd key

diablo 2 install 26 cd key diablo 2 install 26 cd key diablo 2 install 26 cd key

I proceeded to sign-up my tips and the common registered no issue and I obtained my 26 digit key. What i think is typically known is usually that you can register your 16 digit key with battlenet and they will provide you a 26 digit one that will function with there downloadable version. At the time l didn't realize thát the battlenet downIoadable edition would just take the 26 digit compact disc key. I needed a 2nchemical Compact disc key so i purchased one from a site for 5$ ( both Vintage and LOD for $5 total).

Diablo 2 install 26 cd key